随着基于机组实时数据的应用的增加,接入机组实时数据显得越来越重要。虽然目前有些实时数据库厂商开发了标准接口程序,但普遍存在价格偏高和类型不齐全的问题。现通过对基于W DPF的DCS数据接口的开发,介绍DCS接口开发的基本方法和注意事项,对实时数据的接口开发提出建议和完善措施。
Along with the increased application of real-time data important to connect with real-time data of generating manufacturers has developed standard interface program,it has consideration of the DCS data interface development based on DCS interface and precautions are introduced. And suggestions based on generating unit ,it is more and more unit. Although some real-time data base high cost and inadequate variety. Taking into WDPF,the basic method for development of and improvement measures are put forward.
North China Electric Power