It is inevitable to use green chemical admixture for ooncrete to meet the demands for the development of green high performance concrete. The progress, the recent achievements and the problems of green oonerete superplasticizer were summarized. The analytical results show that seeking substitutes for naphthalene based superplasticizer is the major task for the superplasticizer researchers. From the perspectives of resource, environment and salty, the modified lignusulfonate is of vitality in superplastieizer for oonerete. However, the long- term and arduous challengers for green superplastieizers are faced by eliminating the excessive retardation action of modified lignosulfonate, substituting or partly substituting for phenol by lignin in the preparation of aminosulfonate based superplasticizer, controlling and recycling the residual formaldehyde in the products of Aliphatic superplasticizer, substituting for materials from petroleum by by- products for manufacturing the polycarhoxylic series superplasticizer and developing some new superplasticizers.
World Sci-Tech R&D