AIM: TO examine the histological and immunohistochemical findings of biopsy specimens taken from the major duodenal papilla of autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) patients. METHODS: The major duodenal papilla in the resected pancreas of 3 patients with AIP and of 5 control patients [pancreatic carcinoma (n = 3) and chronic alcoholic pancreatitis (17 = 2)] was immunostained using anti-CD4-T cell, CD8-T cell and IgG4 antibodies. Forceps biopsy specimens taken from the major duodenal papilla of 2 patients with AIP and 5 control patients with suspected papillitis were prospectively taken during duodenoscopy and immunohistochemically examined. RESULTS: Moderate or severe Iymphoplasmacytic in- filtration including many CD4-positive or CD8-positive T lymphocytes and IgG4-positive plasma cells (≥10/HPF), was observed in the major duodenal papilla of all 3 patients with AIR The same findings were also detected in the biopsy specimens taken from the major duodenal papilla of 2 patients with/kiP, but in controls, there were only a few (≤3/HPF) IgG4-positive plasma cells infiltrating the major duodenal papilla. CONCLUSIONS: An abundant infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells is specifically detected in the major duodenal papilla of patients with A/P. Although this is a preliminary study, IgG4-immunostaining of biopsy specimens taken from the major duodenal papilla may support the diagnosis of AIR
瞄准:检验组织学并且免疫从自体免疫的胰腺炎(AIP ) 的主要十二指肠的乳头状的小突起拿的活体检视标本的组织化学的调查结果病人们。方法:在有 AIP 的 3 个病人并且 5 个控制病人的 resected 胰的主要十二指肠的乳头状的小突起[胰腺的癌(n = 3 ) 并且长期的含酒精的胰腺炎(n = 2 )] 免疫用 anti-CD4-T 房间, CD8-T 房间和 IgG4 抗体被染色。与怀疑的视神经乳头炎与 AIP 和 5 个控制病人从 2 个病人的主要十二指肠的乳头状的小突起拿的钳活体检视标本有希望地在组织化学地检验的十二指肠镜检查和免疫期间被拿。结果:包括许多 CD4 积极或 CD8 积极的 T 淋巴细胞和 IgG4 积极的血浆房间(>or=10/HPF ) 的中等或严重的 lymphoplasmacytic 渗入,与 AIP 在所有 3 个病人的主要十二指肠的乳头状的小突起被观察。一样的调查结果也在与 AIP 从 2 个病人的主要十二指肠的乳头状的小突起拿的活体检视标本,但是在控制被检测,仅仅有一些(<or=3/HPF ) 渗入主要十二指肠的乳头状的小突起的 IgG4 积极的血浆房间。结论:IgG4 积极的血浆房间的丰富的渗入明确地与 AIP 在病人的主要十二指肠的乳头状的小突起被检测。尽管这是初步的研究,从主要十二指肠的乳头状的小突起拿的活体检视标本的 IgG4-immunostaining 可以支持 AIP 的诊断。