本文利用透射电镜研究了8Ni、10Ni 和18Ni,马氏体时效钢的精细组织。研究结果不仅证实了8Ni 马氏体时效钢时效初期存在调幅结构的组织,而且,进一步发现了10Ni 和18Ni 合金时效时的调幅组织。
The microstructures in 8Ni,10Ni and 18Ni maraging steels have been studied by thetransmission electron microscope.It has been shown that the modulated structure developed during theearly aging stage in 8Ni alloy was evidenced,and the modulated structures were found at the early agingstage of 10Ni and 18Ni alloys.
国家自然科学基金 5880041