
强迫症的脑功能障碍 被引量:12

Brain Dysfunction in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
摘要 近期,对强迫症(OCD)的现象学解释强调了病人在特定情境下错误识别和情绪与动机功能的异常加工。来自神经解剖、神经生理以及近期神经心理和功能成像等的相关研究证据显示:OCD病人眶额皮层(OFC)、前扣带回皮层(ACC)的过度激活可能会导致错误识别功能和对行为结果预期的情绪与动机评价增高;背外侧前额皮层(DLPC)的活动减弱损害了对信息加工的认知整合能力。以上这些皮层信号在控制行为活动程序的尾状核进行整合。OCD病人的强迫性观念和行为可能由这些结构相关的神经网络中一个或多个环节的功能障碍所致。 The phenomenological explanation for symptoms of OCD emphasized the malfunctioning processes involving in error recognition, as well as emotional and motivational functions in a special situation. The evidences from neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, especially recently from neuropsychology and neuroimaging studies of OCD suggest that: the functional overactivities in OFC and ACC could be responsible for the increased functions of error recognition and evaluation of emotion and motivation; the functional hypoactivity in DLPC could result in the lack of cognitive integration of the consequence of action. These cortical informations are converged by the caudate nucleus, which controls behavioral programs. Dysfunctions at one or several stages of the networks formed by these structures could lead to the emergence and maintenance of repetitive thoughts and characteristic OCD behaviors.
作者 蔡厚德
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期401-407,共7页 Advances in Psychological Science
关键词 强迫症 眶额皮层 前扣带回皮层 背外侧前额皮层 尾状核 OCD, OFC, ACC, DLPC, caudate nucleus.
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