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2Gary Gereffi, "Global Production Systems and Third Word Development," In Barbara Stallings ( Ed. ), Global Change: Regional Response, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
3Ziya Onis, State and Market, Istanbul, Bogazici Vneveriby Press, 1998. p.244.
4Ayse Bugra, State and Business in Turkey: A Comparative Study, State University of New York Rress, 1994, p.264.
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6Theo Nichols and Nadir Sugur, "Small Employers in Turkey,"Middle East Studies, Vol.32, 1996, p.231.
7Ziya Onis, "The Political Economy of Islamic Resurgence in Turkey: The Rise of the Welfare Party in Perspective," Third Word Quarterly, Vol.18, 1997, pp.743-766.
8Anthony Giddens, The Consequence of Modernity , Cambrige,Polity Press, 1990, p.63.