2004年2月,西安市文物保护考古所在配合西安理工大学校区基建工程中,清理出汉代墓葬40余座,其中编号为M1和M2的两座墓葬规模较大, 出土有陶、铜、铁、铅、玉、石等器物及大量的钱币。尤其是在M1墓室内发现了大面积的壁画,保存较好,色彩艳丽。其中有镇墓辟邪、引导墓主人的灵魂进入仙界的画面,更有如狩猎、车马出行、宴乐、斗鸡等表现现实生活的场景,内容极为丰富。根据墓葬形制及出土器物的特征,这两座墓的年代均应在元帝至新莽之间的西汉晚期,墓主人也应具有较高的身份地位。此墓的发现为研究汉代的社会生活、丧葬习俗、绘画艺术等提供了珍贵的实物资料。
February 2004, the cultural relics protection and archaeology institute of Xi'an unearthed 40 tombs in the building process of the technology institute of Xi'an, two of them (ceded M1 and M2) were large-scale. Lots of pottery, bronzes, iron and lead implements, jades and many coins were discovered. M1, with well-preserved and bright-colored murals, is particularly noteworthy. The abundant mural materials are: bixie which protect the tomb and lead the host's spirit into Heaven; hunting, going on a journey with horses and carriages, playing musical instruments and drinking, cockfighting etc. which are scenes of real lives. Based on tape of the tombs and character of the accompanying grave-goods, M1 and M2 can be trailed back to the late Western Han, between Yuan Emperor and Wangmang, emperor of Xin Dynasty. The hosts were supposed to be high-statused. This excavation provides precious date to the research on social life, burial rite and painting art of the Han Dynasty.
Cultural Relics