目的 描述献血员集中地区农村现存艾滋病病毒感染人群的相关知识、态度和行为。方法 采用整群抽样方法,在安徽省北部地区既往卖血人员比较集中的村,对25-55岁的村民进行调查,包括问卷调查和艾滋病病毒抗体实验室检测。结果 在216名艾滋病病毒阳性人员中,有157人(72.7%)听说过艾滋病,其中,有23人(14.7%)认为自己可能感染了艾滋病,116人(73.9%)认为艾滋病能通过性生活传播,98人(62.4%)认为安全套能预防性生活传播艾滋病,86人(54.8%)认为感染了艾滋病的人不应该过性生活。这些指标男性均高于女性。平均每周性生活1.34次(男1.39次,女1.34次)。共有12人(6.3%)自报曾用过安全套,但在近1年中只有8人(4.2%)使用过安全套,其中只有2人坚持每次都用。有6人(2.9%)在近1年内同男(女)朋友有性关系(男4人,女2人),性生活总数为67次(男53次,女14次),其中男性报告有3次使用了安全套(5.7%),女性未使用安全套,合计使用安全套比例为4.5%。有12名(12.1%)男村民自报有“访问小姐”行为;有10人在城市“访问过小姐”。6人自报“访问小姐”12个,共发生性关系14次。其中有5次使用了安全套。结论 献血员集中地区农村艾滋病病毒阳性人群对自我感染艾滋病病毒的危险性认识不足,缺乏基本的艾滋病知识,存在不利于预防艾滋病的态度和行为。安全套使用率太低,艾滋病的性传播危险性很大。外出打工和“访问小姐”两种行为的并存可能会将艾滋病从农村卖血地区传播到一些城市地区。需要加强基本的艾滋病健康教育活动和安全性行为干预活动。
Objective To identify the levels of AIDS knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) among the current HIV positive people in areas with many former blood donors. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 25- 55 years old rural residents in villages with former blood donors in north of Anhui of in China. A structured question-naire was anonymously administered face-to-face, and a venous blood specimen was collected for HIV testing. Results Among 216 HIV positive participants, 157 persons had heard of AIDS (72.7%), 23 of them perceived themselves infected ( 14.7 % ), 116 of them knew sexual transmission (73.9 % ), 98 persons knew condoms could prevent sexual transmission (62.4 % ), 86 persons agreed that HIV positive people should not have sexual behavior (54.8 % ). All of the proportions were higher among males than that among females. The mean sexual frequency was 1.34 per week (male 1.39, female 1.34), resuhing in a total sexual acts of 67 per year (male 53, female 14 ). Twelve participants in all reported ever used condoms (6.3 % ), but only 8 used condoms last year (4.2 % ). Twelve participants reported of having sex with girl- friends/boyfriends in the past year (2.9 % ) with a condom use rate of 4.5 %. Twelve males reported of visiting sex workers in the past year (12.1%), 10 of them visited sex workers in urban areas, with a condom use rate of 35.7%. Conclusion The investigation demonstrated low levels of AIDS awareness, knowledge, positive attitude and condom use among the current HIV positive people in districts assembled with former blood donors in North Anhui. It is likely to make further transmission through sex on the condition of working out and visiting sex workers. General HIV/AIDS education and safe sex intervention are needed.
Chinese Journal of Health Education