
新世纪保护区面临的挑战及其有效对策 被引量:6

Challenges Faced by Nature Reserves in the New Century and their Effective Strategy
摘要 道路、水库、建筑物、不断扩大的农田和土地退化正在使自然景观的完整性受到严重破坏。所保存的未经干扰或少受干扰的天然生态系统的面积日益缩小,犹如海洋中的孤岛。生物多样性受到严重的威胁。在自然保护区中,物种迁移和基因流动的可能性也在不断地降低。生物区域规划被认为是一种较好的选择,它力求把保护区和栽培地区视为一个有机整体,遵循保护和发展密切结合的方针,制定行动计划并予以实施。本文根据保护区的管理情况、工作条件和科研状况等,对保护区或区域的类型进行了划分,针对现实,提出了如何实施生物区域规划。 In the article, it was indicated that integraty of the natural landscape was seriously damaged by roads, water reservoirs, building, agricultural expansion and land degradation, resulting in the increasing reduction in the area of undisturbed or little disturbed natural ecosystem and greatly threatened the biodiversity in general. The possibility of species migration and gene flow decreased continuously. It was suggested that bioregional planning and management may be considered as a better option of effective strategy, because the planning will consider nature reserves and cultivated area as an organic entity and formulate action plans and implement them, on the policy of combining conservation with development. The division of types of nature reserves or regions were discussed on the basis of the present status of management, work and research condition, and suggestions of the implementation ofbioregional planning were proposed.
出处 《野生动物》 2006年第4期6-9,共4页
关键词 保护区 生物多样性 生物圈保护区 生物区域规划管理 生物多样性管护区 Nature reserve Biodiversity Bioregional planning and management
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