
英语专业学生话语标记语Like习得初探 被引量:18

A Tentative Study of Chinese English Majors' Acquisition of the Discourse Marker "Like"
摘要 话语标记语L ike在母语交际中使用频繁,具备多种语用标示功能。在EFL环境下,中国英语专业学生对其主要语用功能的认知不存在困难,但未能把其全部功能纳入中介语语用体系。为达到交际目的,学习者大量使用语法词或错误使用相对简单的话语标记语,导致语用失败或过于书面化的口语产出。研究还发现DM型like的使用频率反映了学习者的语言水平。 The versatile discourse marker "like" ranks as one of the most frequent DMs in verbal communication. In the EFL environment, Chinese English majors nevertheless fail to incorporate all the DM functions of "like" into their interlanguage pragmatic scheme, despite the fact that they encounter little difficulty in their effort to receptively comprehend the DM "like". To counter the effect of their inability/inadequacy to orally produce DM "likes", they turn frequently to grammatical words or cognitively less difficult DMs, thus leading to pragmatic failures and oral productions rich in written-text characteristics. The study also points to the correlation between language proficiency and DM "like" production rate.
出处 《四川外语学院学报》 北大核心 2006年第4期94-98,共5页 Journal of Sichuan International Studies University
关键词 话语标记语 语用能力 中介语 discourse markers pragmatic competence interlanguage
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