Based on the comprehensive analysis of Quaternary chronostratigraphy, sporopollen and foraminiferal assebleges of Haitan Island, this paper dicusses the division of Quaternary system, the evolution of sedimentary facies, sea level and climate changes in Haitan Island since Late Pleistocene.
The Quaternary strata of Haitan Island can be divided into the kinds which belong to Pleistocene and Holocene periods. The Quaternary system from bottom to top presents the sedimentary rhythm variations from Late Pleistocen to now i. e. medium-coarse sand, sand-silt-clay, sand-silt-clay with gravels→silty clay, clayey silt→coarse-medium sand→clay, clayey silt→medium-coarse sand→medium-coarse sand, sand-silt-clay with pebbles. It stands for the evolution sequences of paleoenviron ment i. e. paralic f acies, eolian f acies, alluvial-pluvial f acies→neritic facies→littoral facies→paralic facies→shore facies→eolian facies, alluvial-pluvial f acies.
Under the influences of the global climate-sea level changes and regional crust movement, there have been three transgression-regression cycles since Late Pleistocene in Haitan Island. The relative sea level seemed the highest in Early Holocene. The paleoclimate relevantly represents the evolution sequences i. e. hot→warm and moist→warm and a little dry→warm and dry→warm and a little moist→cool and dry. It also contains the second-class climate oscilations.
Marine Science Bulletin
南京大学海岸与海岛开发国家试点实验室(成果号SCIEL 21195143)