目的综合评价阴道巴氏涂片、新柏氏TCT(液基细胞薄片制备)、阴道镜检、LEEP(宫颈线圈电切)在宫颈病变中的应用价值。方法回顾性研究门诊阴道巴氏涂片1 500例,新柏氏TCT检查1 969例病例,对其结果进行统计学处理。结果阴道巴氏涂片:Ⅱb34例(2.27%),宫项鳞癌1例(0.07%)。均经阴道镜检,病理中14例CIN(41.18%)。34例Ⅱb均行LEEP,术后病理:CIN 23例,占检查总数的1.53%。阴道镜检与LEEP病理符合率60.87%。阴道巴氏涂片CIN检出率67.65%。新柏氏TCT检查:ASC(不典型鳞状细胞)67例,占3.40%。LSIL(低密度鳞状上皮内病变)25例(1.27%),HSIL 5例(0.25%)。合并HPV感染12例(0.61%)。异常上皮细胞检出阳性率4.93%。阴道镜检病理示CIN 22例。97例经新柏氏TCT检查异常的均行LEEP,术后病理:CIN 21例。阴道镜检与LEEP、子宫全切术后病理两者符合率84.62%。结论新柏氏TCT对宫颈病变、宫颈癌的筛查意义重大。
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic methods for cervical intraeoithelial neoplasia, including cervical cytological smear,colposcopic examination and colposcopieally multiple biopsy. Methods 1 500 patients who undrwent Pap's smear and 1 969 patients who underwent TCT were included in the study. Results Pap's smear: Ⅱ b 34 (2.27 % ), Ca: 1 (0.07 % ) : coposcope and biopsies:CIN 14(41.18%); LEEP and biopsies:CIN 23 (1.53%). The coincident rate coposcope to pathological biopsy was 60.87 %, Pap' s smear CIN 67.65 %. TCT: ASC 67 (3.40 % ), LSIL 25 ( 1.27 % ), HSIL 5 (0.25 % ), copcope and blopsies:CIN 22. The coincident rate TCT to pathological biopsy was 84.62 %. Conclusions TCT has a higher sensitivity and accuracy in detection of cervical abnormal cell.
Applied Journal Of General Practice