针对武汉石化公司自备电厂循环流化床副产品脱硫灰渣高钙高硫的组成特点,开展了将其用于替代硅酸盐水泥石灰质原料应用的试验研究。研究结果表明:(1)采用该脱硫渣作硅酸盐水泥钙质原料配料是可行的。当脱硫渣掺量适当时具有明显的矿化作用,能改善生料易烧性,促进C3S矿物的形成与完善。(2)脱硫渣掺入比例过高时,其带入的SO3含量过高,此时硫酸盐的影响由量变到质变,不仅不能促进C3S形成,而且会造成煅烧困难。(3)在试验条件下生料中脱硫渣的掺入比例不宜超过15%,同时煅烧温度以保持在1380 ̄1400℃为宜。
Desulphurized high-calcium slag, byproduct from circulatory fluid bed of power house in Wuhan Petrochemical Limited Copor., has high calcium and high sulfur content, As the characteristic, experiment was carried out to replace limy raw material of Portland cement with the slag. The study results show that it is feasible to use the desulphrized slag as limy raw material of Portland cement and there are obvious mineralization effect when the mixing content is appropriate, which can improve the burnability of the raw meal and optimize the formation of C3S, When the desulphurized slag mixing content is too much, SO3 content is also high, and so it cann't promote the formation of C3S and affect the burnability, and the quantitative change has become the qualitative change, And under the experiment condition, mixing content rate of the desulphurlzed slag should be lower than 15%, and the burning temperature should be at 1 380~1 400℃.
Cement Engineering
desulphurized slag
burning quality
affecting theory