
放射性粒子组织间植入治疗口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤初探 被引量:69

Radioactive seed implantation in treatment of oral and maxillofacial malignancy
摘要 目的应用^(125)I放射性粒子植入组织间近距离治疗口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤,观察其近期疗效及副反应。方法对36例口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤患者实施^(125)I放射性粒子定向植入治疗(分别为术中即刻植入、术后经皮穿刺植入、单纯粒子植入),治疗前分别行靶区设计,平面植入计划或立体植入计划。植入后1周内及2个月后CT验证粒子分布及靶区剂量变化。随访观察患者的疗效及副反应。结果本组患者随访6~36个月,平均14个月。晚期恶性肿瘤单纯植入2例,肿瘤明显缩小,症状减轻;早期舌癌单纯植入1例,肿瘤完全消退;33例手术及粒子植人后随访,靶区覆盖范围均无复发及转移,有3例出现靶区外复发或转移。除8例局部皮肤充血反应外,其余患者无特殊不适主诉及外照射副反应。结论^(125)I放射性粒子植入组织间近距离治疗口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤,对控制复发及颈部淋巴转移近期效果显著。 Objective To treat oral and maxillofacial malignant tumors with radioactive seed implantation and observe the therapeutic results and side effects. Methods Thirty-six patients with oral and maxillofacial malignancy were treated by radioactive seeds implanting ( operation and seed implantation or seed implantation only ). The treatment plans were designed before implanting by treatment plan system (TPS). All patients were followed up for 6-36 months with an average of 14 months and the results evaluated, Results In 3 patients treated only by seed implantation, the tumor size reduced obviously and the symptoms alleviated in 2 patients with advanced disease, and the tumor got complete remission in one patient with tongue cancer. In the other 33 patients who were implanted after operation, no recurrence was seen in the target area, but recurrence or lymph node metastasis was found outside the target area in 3 patients. There were no unusual complaint and external raditherapeutic side effects except for skin hyperemia occurred in 8 patients. Condusions Radioactive seed implantation is very effective for preventing recurrence and metastasis of oral and maxillofacial malignancy.
出处 《中华口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第8期464-466,共3页 Chinese Journal of Stomatology
关键词 近距离放射疗法 头颈部肿瘤 Brachytherapy Head and neck neoplasma Carcinoma
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