目的 探讨采用微头皮条移植术,进行头发移植治疗秃发的效果及提高头发移植术后毛囊的存活率。方法 在局部肿胀麻醉下,对156例男性型秃发和瘢痕性秃发患者,施行了微头皮条移植术,并较早在国内与显微外科技术相结合。结果 男性型秃发和瘢痕性秃发患者,移植后毛囊的存活率平均分别是95%和89%,且效果稳定不再脱落;其中瘢痕性秃发患者毛囊的存活率为89%,明显高于以往报道的54%~76%。术后有2例患者发际形态不自然,4例受区中央部头发分布形态欠佳,2例出现小血肿,其余患者受区头发生长较为满意。结论 微头皮条移植结合显微外科技术,可明显提高毛囊移植的存活率;此外,适应证的选用、术前设计、麻醉的选用等,对手术效果也有较大影响。
Objective To improve survival rate of hair follicle after hair-bearing scalp minigrafting and to investigate the role of microsurgery in this procedure. Methods From 1990 to 2003, 156 cases suffered from male pattern baldness (MPB) and cicatrical baldness (CB) received hair-bearing scalp minigrafting. Moreover microsurgical technique was applied to this procedure. Among of them, the largest alopecia zone was about 12.5 cm × 15 cm. Results Survival rate of transplanted hair follicles was 95 %(MPB) and 89 % (CB) respectively. Baldness never occured in the former alopecia zone. Survival rate of transplanted hair follicles in CB was significantly higher than that of the former reports. There were 2 cases with abnormal figure of hair margin and 4 cases with unsatisfactory hair direction in hair grafted zone. Hematoma occurred in 2 patients who had no negative effects on hair follicle after hematoma were cleaned. The other cases all obtained satisfactory postoperative appearance. Conclusions Hair-bearing scalp minigrafting, combined with microsurgery technique, can improve survival rate of hair follicle after hair transplantation. Preoperative design, choice of indication and anesthesia, etc. are very important, too.
Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology
Hair-bearing scalp minigrafting