
慢性肾衰患者血浆ADM、BNP和TGF-β_1的浓度变化及相互关系探讨 被引量:4

Study on the Changes and Correlations of Plasma Adrenomedullin,Brain Natriuretic Peptide and TGF-β_1 Levels in the Patients with Chronic Renal Failure
摘要 目的:探讨肾上腺髓质素(AMD)、脑利钠肽(BNP)和转化生长因子-β1(TGF-β1)在慢性肾衰(CRF)时的水平变化及其相互关系。方法:检测30例正常人和31例慢性肾衰患者血浆ADM、BNP和TGF-β1的浓度,CRF患者根据血肌酐水平分为2组,分析三者在不同组间的变化及其相互关系。结果:(1)CRF患者血浆ADM和BNP水平显著升高,且与血肌酐水平呈正相关;(2)CRF患者在肾衰早期TGF-β1水平显著升高,但随着血肌酐水平的升高而有所下降,与血肌酐水平呈负相关。结论:血浆ADM、BNP和TGF-β1参与了慢性肾功能衰竭发生、发展的病理生理过程,ADM和BNP水平的升高,是对机体的有益保护;而TGF-β1在肾衰过程中的变化,反映了机体自我调节的作用。 Objective To study the plasma ADM, BNP and TGF-β1 levels changes in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) and their correlation ship. Methods Plasma ADM (with RIA), BNP (with CLIA), TGF-β1 (with ELISA) concentrations were measured in 31 patients with CRF and 30 controls. According to serum creatinine levels, CRF patients were divide into two groups (below and over 708μmol/L). Results Plasma ADM and BNP concentrations were significantly higher in the CRF patients than those in the controls. There were positive correlations between serum creatinine level and plasma ADM or BNP levels. Plasma TGF-β1 concentrations were significantly decreased in the CRF patients with higher serum creatinine level (over 708μmol/L). There was a negative correlation between TGF -β1 level and serum creatinine level. Conclusion The elevation of ADM and BNP in circulation may be a compensatory and protective reaction in these patients. The changes of TGF-β1 during the development of CRF may be attributed to body self- adjustment.
出处 《放射免疫学杂志》 CAS 2006年第4期264-266,共3页 Journal of Radioimmanology
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