
对异面椭圆轨道目标航天器的长期绕飞轨迹设计与控制 被引量:5

Design and Control of Long-term Flyaround Trajectory for Target Spacecraft in Non-coplanar Elliptical Orbit
摘要 研究了绕飞卫星对异面椭圆轨道目标航天器进行长时间绕飞观测的轨道设计与控制问题。首先建立了适用于目标航天器运行在椭圆轨道上的长期绕飞轨迹设计模型;得到了绕飞轨迹以目标航天器为中心且保持封闭的条件。然后,考虑绕飞轨迹安全性和完成任务的相对距离需求,针对具体目标设计了长期绕飞观测轨道。绕飞过程中存在的摄动和误差影响会使绕飞轨迹不能保持封闭,不满足任务需求,为此采用双脉冲方法对绕飞轨迹进行控制。仿真结果表明,对运行在异面椭圆轨道上的目标航天器,所建立的绕飞轨迹设计模型和轨迹控制方法可以用于长期绕飞轨迹设计与控制中。 This paper is concerned with the design and guidance problems of a chaser satellite flyaround a target vehicle in non-coplanar elliptical orbit for a long time. At first, a mathematical model used to design a long-term flyaround trajectory is presented, which is applicable to the situation that a target spacecraft flies in an elliptical orbit. The conditions of the target at the center of the flyaround path are deduced. Considering the safety and task requirement, a long-term flyaround trajectory is designed. Taking into account perturbations and navigation errors which can cause the trajectory unstable and mission impossible, a two-impulse control method is put forward. Some simulation works are carried out and the results indicate the flyaround mathematical model and the trajectory control method can be used in the design and control of a long-term flyaround trajectory.
机构地区 西北工业大学
出处 《中国空间科学技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期20-25,31,共7页 Chinese Space Science and Technology
基金 国家"863计划"资助课题(No.2003AA742018)
关键词 异面椭圆轨道 飞行轨迹 误差控制 仿真航天器 Non-coplanar elliptical orbit Flight traiectory Error control Emulation Spacecraft
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