
顾客需求的非对称性和动态性对新产品开发的影响 被引量:1

The Influence on New Products Development by the Asymmetry and Dynamics of the Customer's Requirements
摘要 在分析顾客需求的非对称性和动态性的基础上,把产品的属性划分为必备、单向、吸引三类,结合客户需求变化、竞争产品策略和产品生命周期理论,为企业的产品创新提供了全新的视角。 With the analysis of the asymmetry and dynamics of the customer's requirements, this paper classifies the attributes of products in view of the customer's requirements as must-be, one-dimension and attractive requirements and provides a new perspective for product innovation based on combination of this classification with the changes of the customer's requirements, competitive product strategy and product life cycle theory,
作者 刘建森
机构地区 南京大学商学院
出处 《技术经济》 2006年第9期20-23,27,共5页 Journal of Technology Economics
关键词 客户需求 非对称性 动态性 口碑陷阱 customer's requirements asymmetry and dynamics word-of-mouth traps
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