中国黄金资源丰富,全国已发现金矿床(点)11 000多处,分布在610多个县(市)。金矿床(点)主要分布在华北地台、扬子地台和特提斯三大构造成矿域中。具有工业价值的金矿类型以花岗岩-绿岩型、变碎屑岩型、微细浸染型、火山-次火山岩型为主。根据成矿条件、矿床类型、矿床特征、矿化富集度以及工作程度,可将全国金矿划分为15个成矿区(带)。我国金矿的基本特点是:分布广、较集中;中-小型矿床多,大型-超大型矿床少;金矿品位偏低;微细浸染型金矿比例较大;伴生金矿储量大,且具重要价值;金银密切共生。中国金矿找矿前景可观,以产于花岗岩-绿岩地体中的金矿、产于沉积岩中的微细浸染型金矿、产于变碎屑岩中的金矿和产于火山-次火山岩中的金矿最具找矿潜力。为保证我国黄金生产可持续发展,加强金矿资源勘查,增加可采储量;加强地质科学研究,寻找大型-超大型金矿床;强化资源管理,科学、合理利用资源,提高资源利用水平是应采取的主要对策和措施。
China is abundant in gold mineral resources with 11000 gold ore deposits(occurrences) discovered in more than 610 counties and cities. The gold ore deposits are mainly distributed in the north China platform, Yangtz platform and Tethys, the three tectonic-metallogenic realms. Granite-greenstone-hosted, meta-clastics-hosted, volcanics-subvolcanics-hosted and sedimentary rock-hosted micro-disseminated gold deposits are of industrial value. Based on metallogenic condition, types, characteristics of the gold deposits and concentration of gold mineralization and exploration intensity 15 gold metallogenic belts are delineated in China. Gold reserve in China is characterized by wide and relatively concentrated distribution, large number of medium-small deposits and small number of large-superlarge deposits, slightly lower grade, big proportion of the micro-disseminated deposits, large volume and important value of by-product gold and close association of gold and silver. China is potential for gold mineral resources, especially for granite-greenstone-hosted, meta-clastics-hosted, volcanics-subvolcanics-hosted gold deposit and sedimentary rock-hosted micro-disseminated gold deposits. In order to make sustainable development of gold industry in China countermeasures should be taken in future, such as strengthening exploration for increment of minable gold reserves, enhancing geoscience researches for seizing large-superlarge gold deposits, strengthening gold mineral resources management for scientific and reasonable utilization of gold mineral resources.
Contributions to Geology and Mineral Resources Research
gold mineral resources
ore-searching potential
sustainable development