我国《刑法》在总则与分则中都规定了亲告罪,即告诉才处理的犯罪。但对于“告诉才处理”的法律性质是什么, 长期以来并未引起人们的足够重视,学者们对于这一问题的认识也存在较大分歧。通过对此进行综合比较和深入思考,可以认为“告诉才处理”的法律性质应属于刑事诉讼程序进行的特殊条件。
The general provisions and specific provisions of China criminal law are all provided crimes that should be handled only upon complaint, however, attention is not thoroughly aroused as to the legal agent of "handled only upon complaint" . thought deeply in this question and deemed that its legal agent should be special condition of criminal lawsuits procedure.
Journal of Shaoguan University