从进口的美国华盛顿州红帅(red delicious)苹果中分离到一种引起苹果果实腐烂的病原真菌,根据该真菌的菌落及分生孢子的形态特征,以及该真菌DNA的ITS序列,将其鉴定为拟盘多毛孢菌(Pestalotiopsis sp.)。该真菌菌丝生长和孢子萌发的最适温度是25℃。分生孢子长梭形直立或稍弯曲,15.6~22.2(18.8)μm×4.8~7.1(5.7)μm,5个细胞,4个隔膜均为真隔膜,中间3个细胞暗褐色,两端细胞淡色,3个有色细胞中第1、2个有色细胞颜色较深,茶褐色;第3个有色细胞淡褐色;分隔处稍缢缩;孢子顶端有2~3根不分支的附属丝,长7.0~19.5(11.9)μm,基细胞具短柄,长0.4~3.2(1.4)μm。分生孢子梗较长,呈淡色,不分支,无隔膜。用ITS区通用引物PM1/PM4对该真菌DNA进行PCR扩增和测序,获得了525bp的ITS区序列。
The pathogenic fungus isolated from the apple (red delicious) imported from Washington, USA, was identified as Pestalotiopsis sp. based on the morphological characteristics of the colony and conidia of the fungus. The optimum temperature for mycelium growth and conidium germination was 25℃. Conidia 5-cellularia, longe fusiformia, recta vel subcurvata, 15.6 - 22.2 ( 18.8 ) μm× 4.8 - 7.1 (5.7) μm, cellulae mediae tres, dissimiliter coloratae, cellulis primis et secundis ochraceis, cellulis tertiis brunneolis, subconstrictae ad septa, setulis apicalibus vel subapicalibus 2 - 3,7.0 - 19.5 (11.9) μm longis; pedicello 1, centrali, 0.4 - 3.2 (1.4) μm longe. The ITS sequence of the fungus was obtained by PCR and sequenced. The analysis of ITS sequences suggests that the fungus belongs to the Genus Pestalotiopsis.
Plant Quarantine