
Application of DALYs in Measuring Health Effect of Ambient Air Pollution:A Case Study in Shanghai,China 被引量:5

Application of DALYs in Measuring Health Effect of Ambient Air Pollution:A Case Study in Shanghai,China
摘要 Objective To investigate the effect of ambient air pollution on human health and the subsequent disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost in Shanghai. Methods We used epidemiology-based exposure-response functions to calculate the attributable number of cases due to air pollution in Shanghai in 2000, and then we estimated the corresponding DALYs lost in Shanghai based on unit DALYs values of the health consequences. Results Ambient air pollution caused 103 064 DALYs lost in Shanghai in 2000. Among all the health endpoints, premature deaths and chronic bronchitis predominated in the value of total DALYs lost. Conclusion The air pollution levels have an adverse effect on the general population health and strengthen the rationale for limiting the levels of air pollution in outdoor air in Shanghai. Objective To investigate the effect of ambient air pollution on human health and the subsequent disabillty-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost in Shanghai. Methods We used epidemiology-based exposure-response functions to calculate the attributable number of cases due to air pollution in Shanghai in 2000, and then we estimated the corresponding DALYs lost in Shanghai based on unit DALYs values of the health consequences. Results Ambient air pollution caused 103 064 DALYs lost in Shanghai in 2000. Among all the health endpoints, premature deaths and chronic bronchitis predominated in the value of total DALYs lost. Conclusion The air pollution levels have an adverse effect on the general population health and strengthen the rationale for limiting the levels of air pollution in outdoor air in Shanghai.
出处 《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4期268-272,共5页 生物医学与环境科学(英文版)
基金 This work was supported by Energy Foundation through Grant G-0309-07094 and Shanghai Municipal Committee of Science and Technology through Grant 03DZ05052. Hai-Dong KAN was personally supported by Shanghai Rising-Star Program for Young Investigators (04QMX1402).
关键词 健康状态 空气污染 身体健康 质量检测 Air pollution Human health DALYs
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