Objective To study the autonomic nervous system how to effect the induced heart rate turbulence (HRT) and whether we could find correlations between HRT parameters and coupling interval (CI) or compensatory pause (CP). Methods Fifteen patients without structural heart disease were studied. Systematic introduced ventricular premature beats(VPB) were delivered from the right ventricular apex without antiarrhythmic drugs. The CI was started at 60% of the basic sinus cycle length and decremented in 2% steps until a total of 10 VPB were given. After a complete baseline study, HRT investigations were repeated after sequential sympathetic blockade, parasympathetic blockade, and combined auto- nomic blockade. All signal from the 12-lead ECG, and intracadiac local electrograms were digitally recorded and stored on optic disc, which were analyzed by using online calipers. Results The average R-R interval at baseline was 698.91 ± 75.70 ms, TO was - 1.65% ± 2.29% and TS was 8.16 ± 4.63 ms. After using different autonomic blockade, TO increased after atropine and combined sympathetic and patasympathetie blockade ( all P 〈 0.05 ), but was unchanged after esmolol. TS decreased after atropine, and combined autonomic blockade but was unchanged after esmlol. HRT at baseline was significantly correlate with CP, but not with CI. ConcIusions Vagal influence is predominant in effects of autonomic nervous system on HRT. HRT at baseline is found to significantly correlate with CP, but without CI. [ Chinese Journal of Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology, 2006,20 ( 5 ) : 416 - 419 ]
Chinese Journal of Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology
Heart rate turbulence
Induced heart rate turbulence
Autonomic nervous system
Coupling interval
Compensatory pause