
Study on the Topographic Effect on Soil Erosion Using RUSLE Model for Small Size Watershed

Study on the Topographic Effect on Soil Erosion Using RUSLE Model for Small Size Watershed
摘要 Soil erosion and subsequent sedimentation have caused serious environmental and soil degradation problems in Okinawa Prefecture,Japan.This research aims at evaluating an availability of the Revised Universal Soil loss Equation(RUSLE) for predicting the range of soil loss values for the Nago watershed in Okinawa.It shows that climatic conditions substantially influence the rainfall amount as a function of the I30 of the rainfall event.The rate of soil loss is higher with increasing in altitude due to greater slope steepness.By rainfall data analysis,it is concluded that the large difference in soil loss between 2000 and 2001 was due to concentrated heavy rainfall in the rainy season or the typhoon season. Soil erosion and subsequent sedimentation have caused serious environmental and soil degradation problems in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. This research aims at evaluating an availability of the Revised Universal Soil loss Equation (RUSLE) for predicting the range of soil loss values for the Nago watershed in Okinawa. It shows that climatic conditions substantially influence the rainfall amount as a function of the I30 of the rainfall event. The rate of soil loss is higher with increasing in altitude due to greater slope steepness. By rainfall data analysis, it is concluded that the large difference in soil loss between 2000 and 2001 was due to concentrated heavy rainfall in the rainy season or the typhoon season.
出处 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期186-187,192,共3页 Research of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 Supported by The United Graduate School of Agriculture Sciences of Kagoshi ma University,Japan(1366039)
关键词 RUSLE erosion index RAINFALL soil loss small size watershed RUSLE erosion index rainfall soil loss small size watershed
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