
国外有关权力对社会认知和行为及心理影响的研究进展 被引量:5

Psychological effects of foreign relative power on social cognition and behavior
摘要 目的:介绍国外有关权力对社会认知和行为心理影响方面的最新研究进展。资料来源:应用计算机检索psychological数据库1982-01/2003-12期间关于权力的界定、权力对社会认知和社会行为的影响,以及权利对社会认知和行为影响的中介因素等方面的文章,检索词为“Power”,限定文章语言种类为英文;同时查阅相关中、英文书籍。资料选择:对所获得的文献资料进行仔细的研读,从中选择有关权力的界定、权力对社会认知和社会行为的影响,以及权利对社会认知和行为影响的中介因素等方面的文章。排除重复研究类文章。资料提炼:共检索到48篇文献,引用了关于权力的界定、权力对社会认知和社会行为的影响,以及权利对社会认知和行为影响的中介因素等研究20篇,排除了28篇重复研究和与权力研究无关的文献资料。资料综合:权力对社会认知的影响主要表现在较高的权力会增强社会认知的自动性,较低的权力会增加受控的社会认知两方面。权力对社会行为的影响表现在较高的权力会增加接近行为的可能性,较低的权力会增加退缩行为,较高的权力会增加社会行为的一致性和连贯性,较高的权力增加了不适当社交行为的可能性四方面。权力对社会认知和行为影响的中介因素包括权力关系的稳定性、责任感和个体及文化差异。结论:权力是个体能够将资源和处罚施加于他人的结果,它会对社会认知和社会行为产生一定的影响;权力的实际结果并不仅仅受权力的影响,它还会受到权力关系的稳定性和觉察到的威胁、责任感以及个体和文化差异等中介因素的影响。 OBJECTIVE: To introduce the latest oversea researches about the psychological effects of power on social cognition and behavior. DATA SOURCES: A computer-based online search of psychological database was undertaken to identify papers about the power and psychological effects of power on cognition and behavior and its moderators published in English from January 1982 to December 2003 by using the keyword of "power". Meanwhile, relevant Chinese and English books were also referred to. STUDY SELECTION: The obtained articles were read though carefully and those about the power and psychological effects of power and the moderators were selected. The repetitive studies were excluded. DATA EXTRACTION: Totally 48 literatures were retrieved, and only 20 ones about the power and psychological effects of power and the moderators were cited. The excluded 28 papers were repetitive studies and data having nothing to do with power researches. DATA SYNTHESIS: Effect of power on social cognition is mainly showed in two aspects: higher power can enhance the automaticity of social cognition; lower power can increase controlled social cognition. Effect of power on social behavior is showed in four aspects: higher power may increased the possibility of closed behaviors; lower power may increased withdrawal behavior;, higher power can increase the concordance and consistency of social behaviors, it also increase the possibility of unsuitable social behaviors. The moderators of effect of power on social cognition and behavior include the stability of power relation, sense of responsibility and individual and cultural differences. CONCLUSION: Power is resulted by enforcing the sources and punish- ment on others, it can influence to certain extend social cognition and behavior; the actual results of power is not only affected by power, but also the stability of power relation, being aware of dangers, responsibility and differences between individuals and cultures.
作者 龚艺华
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第42期156-158,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 湖北省教育厅人文社科研究项目基金资助(2005y226) 湖北省教育厅省级教研项目基金资助(20050364)~~
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