Objective To discuss preparation before operation and management during and after operation for traumatic finger replantation in the elder patients(≥50yr).Methods Twenty eight amputated digits were replanted in 23 cases, in which 4 cases had concurrent disease of hypertension, 1 case of diabetes, 2 cases of coronary heart disease. As mr, el. vessels as possible were anastomosed during operation, while antibacterial and antispasm measures were prescripted and systemic diseases were treated at the same time.Results Digital replantation was completely survived at the level of middle and proximal phalange. Five fingers were survived at the level of distal interphalange to tip among 6 cases of digital replantation. All the patients had not complications except 1 case suffered from urinary infection after operation.Conclusion It is necessary to select appropriate eases and pay attention to operative skill during operation and eomplieations after operation when replantation of severed traumatic finger is done in the elder patients(≥50yr).
Practical Journal of Medicine & Pharmacy
Traumatic finger replantation Complication