根据中国人体特征开发的中国参考人人体数学模型,采用Monte Carlo方法模拟γ光子在人体模型内的粒子输运过程,计算得出反映国人特征的各源器官对靶器官的比吸收分数(Φ),建立了我国自己的Φ数据库。并将此结果与美国橡树岭模型(ORNL)推荐值进行了比较,源靶器官相同(自吸收)时结果十分吻合,证明了方法的正确性;源靶器官不同时,由于人体模型的差别和物理过程选择的差别,数据存在一定差异。
The internal radiation dose calculations built on Chinese facts become more and more important according to the development of nuclear medicine. The MIRD method developed and consummated by the society of Nuclear Medicine (America) is based on the European and American mathematical phantom and can't fit Chinese well. The transport of γ-ray in the Chinese mathematical phantom was simulated with Monte Carlo method in programs as MCNP4C. The specific absorbed fractions (Ф) of Chinese were calculated and the Chinese Ф database was created. The results were compared with the recommended values by ORNL. The method was proved correct by the coherence when the target organ was the same with the source organ. Else, the difference was due to the different phantom and the choice of different physical model.
Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology