
底质对小褐虾生长和存活率影响的实验研究(英文) 被引量:5

Effects of sand onsurvival and growth of sandshrimp,Crangon uritai (Decapoda :Crangonidae) reared in laboratory
摘要 本研究的目的在于通过小褐虾(Crangon uritai)的人工饲养,以观察栖息底质对其存活率和生长的影响。实验小褐虾样本来自韩国釜山Dadaepo(35°02′N,128°57′E)附近4 m水深海域的桁杆拖网渔获,共选取80尾样本进行实验,其中雌性40尾、雄性40尾,并分别被独立饲养在40个有沙和40个无沙的2 L容器中。为便于分析,将实验样本设为每组20尾,分别为无沙饲养的雌性组NSF和雄性组NSM,以及有沙饲养的雌性组SAF和雄性组SAM。实验环境条件为水温14℃、盐度32.5、光周期L∶D为12∶12。饲养期间,每天投喂新鲜的冷冻虾肉,投喂24 h后将残饵虹吸排除,海水每3天更换1次,整个实验持续100 d。实验前测定每尾实验小褐虾样本的体长和性别。实验中每天检查每个容器中的小褐虾蜕皮、死亡和残饵情况,并记录蜕皮时间以便计算其蜕皮间隔。结果表明,在各组最初样本的甲长分布之间没有显著性差异(P>0.05)的情况下,经过整个实验周期,小褐虾NSF和NSM的存活率分别为28%和10%,而SAF和SAM分别为38%和25%。各对照组个体平均甲长的增长量NSF为1.22 mm、SAF为1.43 mm、NSM为0.6 mm、SAM为0.9 mm。有沙饲养条件下,雌性和雄性的蜕皮间隔分别为15.0 d和15.3 d,而无沙饲养的雌雄的蜕皮间隔分别为16.0 d和16.0 d。无论雌性还是雄性在有沙饲养条件的蜕皮间隔均比无沙饲养的短。有沙饲养的雌、雄个体蜕皮增长率分别为5.2%和4.8%,无沙饲养的蜕皮增长率分别为3.7%和3.2%,在有沙饲养条件下雌、雄的蜕皮增长率均较无沙饲养的要大。有沙饲养的雌雄个体生长速度均较无沙饲养的要快,有沙饲养的雌性个体绝对增长率相对于雄性个体要更高。在提供沙质底质的条件下,小褐虾的存活率提高,蜕皮间隔明显缩短,蜕皮增长率增大,更有利于小褐虾的生长。[中国水产科学,2007,14(1):90-98] The sand shrimp, Crangon uritai ,collected by a beam trawl in coastal area of Busan(Korea) ,was reared individually in laboratory under controlled conditions: 14 ℃, salinity, 32.5, L: D 12:12, feeding meat of frozen prawns. To investigate the effect of sand on survival and growth of the shrimp, 40 shrimps were reared with sand substratum while the others were reared without sand substratum. The size of shrimp was determined from exuviae, and the intermolt period was recorded. As a result, the survival rates were 38 % and 25 % for female and male reared with sand, respectively, and 28 % and 10 % for female and male reared without sand. The mean intermolt periods were 15.0 d and 15.3 d for females and males reared with sand, respectively,which were shorter than those of females and males reared without sand( 16.9 d and 16.9 d, respectively). The mean molt increments were 5.2 % and 4.8 % for females and males reared with sand, and 3.7 % and 3.2 % for females and males reared without sand, respectively, which showed that molt increment was greater in both female and male with sand offered than those without sand. Consequently, this led to a higher growth rate with sand rearing.
出处 《中国水产科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期90-98,共9页 Journal of Fishery Sciences of China
基金 Research supported by Open Laboratory of Marine Estuarine Fisheries(开-3-04-1)
关键词 小褐虾 沙质 存活率 生长 蜕皮间隔 蜕皮增长率 Crangon uritai sand survival growth intermolt period molt increment
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