用紫外-可见分光光度计对N a2S与N a2[Fe(CN)5NO]反应得到的紫色混合水溶液的稳定性进行跟踪检测,结果表明此紫色化合物极不稳定。进一步用显微熔点测定仪、红外光谱等仪器对该紫色混合液的分解产物—黄色针状晶体进行了鉴定,最终确定该晶体为黄血盐N a4[Fe(CN)6].3H2O。这一研究对N a2[Fe(CN)5NO]鉴定S2-的实验现象有更进一步的解释。
The stability of the purple mixture of Na2S solution and Na2[Fe (CN)5NO] solution is inspected by a UV-Vis double-beam speetrophotometer, and the result implies that the purple complex is not stable. We think that the yellow crystal is Na4[Fe(CN)6]. 3H2O by a micro-melting point apparatus and IR spectra. These results can help to explain the experiment (S^2-) is identified by Na2[-Fe(CN)5NO]).
Journal of Yan'an University:Natural Science Edition