水稻矮缩病毒(Rice Dwarf Virus-RDV)广泛分布于中国、日本及东南亚地区,侵染水稻和禾本科其它一些作物,是造成水稻减产的主要原因之一,对农作物危害极大。RDV属于呼肠孤病毒科(Re-oviridae)中的植物呼肠孤病毒属(Phytoreovirus)成员,其病毒粒子直径70nm,为20面体。
The cDNA of Rice Dwarf Virus (RDV) Fujian isolate genome segment S11 was synthesized and amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR product was cloned into pBluescript M13( -). The complete nucleotide sequence of RDV genome segment S11 was determined. S11 is 1036 nucleotide in length and contains a single large open reading frame(ORF) which begins with the first AUG codon(6 to 8nt) and extends to 567nt, encoding a polypeptide with 189 amino acids in length. This fragment has 90.8% identity in nucleotide sequence and 95.2% in amino acid sequence with RDV Japanese strain S11. The segment S11 of Fujian isolate lacks 31 nucleotide downstream of the ORF compared with the RDV Japanese isolate S11. Amino acid sequences compa rision of protein encoded by RDVS11 and WTVS12 shown 26. 4% homology. It was suggested that RDV S11 encode a nonstructural protein. Amino acid sequence comparisons of protein encoded by RDV genomic segment 11 with histone H1 protein in sea urchin and VP6 of Blue tongue virus (BTV) have shown significant homology among these three proteins. Hydrophobicity analysis found that the carboxyl-terminal of protein encoded by RDV genomic segment 11 is highly hydrophilic. Taking all of these results in consideration. S11 encoding protein might be a RNA-binding protein.
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology