
椰果地方卫生标准研究 被引量:3

Study on provincial hygienic standard of Nata de coco
摘要 目的制定椰子发酵产品椰果的地方卫生标准。方法对12家椰果企业进行了卫生学调查,采集68份样品对20项指标进行检测,并对生产菌种进行生物学鉴定和毒力试验。结果生产菌种为木醋杆菌,属非产毒菌;根据检测分析结果,并参考我国相关污染物限量卫生标准,确定铅、总砷、铬、亚硝酸盐、过氧化氢残留量、菌落总数、大肠茵群、霉菌、酵母、致病菌和感官11项卫生指标,制定了椰果地方卫生标准。结论椰果卫生标准可作为卫生安全检测和评价的依据。 Objective To formulate the provincial hygienic standard for determination of nata de coco, a fermentative food. Methods Nata de coco produced in 12 factories were hygienically surveyed and 68 samples of nata de coco were collected and 20 items of index and were examined. Biological and toxic assayed were also performed. Results The strain of nata de coco was identiffed as Aeetobacter xylinum and it was confirmed to be a non - toxigenie strain. According to the results determination and national relevant standards of contaminants maximum levels, the provincial standard for determination of nata de coco including 11 indexes of residual concentrations of lead, total arsenic, chromium, nitrlte, hydrogen peroxide and total bacterial colony, Bacillus cell, fungi, yeast, .pathogen has bean formulated. Collusion The standard formulated can be used as the basis for safety and hygienic deterruination and evaluation of nata de coco.
出处 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2007年第1期21-23,共3页 China Tropical Medicine
关键词 椰果 木醋杆菌 卫生标准 Nata de coco Acetobaeter xylinum Hygienic standard
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