
对比剂肾病研究进展 被引量:12

The research progress of contrast media induced nephropathy
摘要 随着造影技术在临床的广泛应用,特别是在高龄、有严重合并症患者中的应用,如糖尿病、肾功能衰竭、心功能衰竭、容量不足等患者,使对比剂肾病(contrast induced nephropathy,CIN)成为医院获得性肾功能衰竭的第三大主要原因,占发病率的11%。本文主要介绍有关CIN病理生理学方面的实验室研究进展、CIN危险因子等方面的重要临床资料的研究进展以及预防策略及各种药物治疗的研究进展。 As a result of the increasing use of radiologic contrast medium in patients, especially the elderly in severe or clinical condition with attendant comorbidities, such as diabetes mellitus, renal failure, cardiac failure, and volume depletion. Contrast induced nephropathy(CIN)is now the third most common cause of hospital-aquired renal failure and accounts for approximately 11% of the cases, This article mainly introduces the evaluation of laboratory investigations providing insights into the pathophysiology of this disorder and the examination of the important clinical data of CIN including risk factors and diagnosis. The last section deals with renal protection and preventive strategies.
出处 《介入放射学杂志》 CSCD 2007年第1期66-69,共4页 Journal of Interventional Radiology
关键词 对比剂相关肾病 病理生理 危险因素 预测 预防 Contrast induced nephropathy Pathophysiology Risk factor Prediction Prophylaxis
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