The Holarctic erigonid genus Zornella has been surveyed. Four species are recognized in this genus, two Palaearctic: Z.cultrigera(L.Koch,11879) & Z.orientalis sp.nov., and two Nearctic: Z.armata(Banks, 1906) & Z.cryptodon Chamberlin,1920.It is demonstrated that neither nearctic species is conspecific with Z.cultrigera as was thought by Holm and other authors. Z.orientalis sp.nov. is described from northeastern Siberia. All of the species are illustrated and their distributions mapped.
The Holarctic erigonid genus Zornella has been surveyed. Four spedes are recognized in this genus, two Palaearctic: Z. aultrigera (L. Koch, 11879) & Z. orientalis sp. nov., and two Nearcfic: Z. arrnata (Banks, 1906) & Z. ayptodon Chamherlin, 1920. It is demouslrated that neither nearcfic species is agnspedtic with Z. atltrigera as was thought by Holm and other authors. Z. sp. nov. is describcd from northeastern Siberia. All of the species are illustrated and their distributions mapped.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica