
腰痛与社会心理因素的相关性研究 被引量:22

A study on the correlation between psychosocial factors and low back pain
摘要 目的:研究腰痛与社会心理因素的关系。方法:①对640例腰痛患者进行了器质性体征及Waddell′s非器质性体征检查(WS)、明尼苏达多相人格问卷(MMPI)测试。②按器质性及非器质性体征判别标准把病例分成4组(A组:单纯器质性体征;B组:单纯非器质性体征;C组:器质性体征与非器质性体征均有;D组:器质性体征与非器质性体征均无)。③MMPI测试结果与中国常模比较。④WS检得结果与MMPI测试结果相关性进行比较。⑤对A组与B组之年龄、性别、病程、文化、劳保等之构成进行比较。⑥对A组与C组中诊断为腰椎间盘突出症者,分别观察治疗后疗效(手术和非手术)。结果:①A组在年龄、性别、病程、劳保等构成上与B组差异有显著性。②C组患者不论手术或非手术治疗,其疗效均差于A组患者。③A组MMPI测试结果与中国常模比较,差异无显著性。④B、C、D组MMPI测试结果与中国常模比较,在疑病(Hs)、抑郁(D)、癔症(Hy)、精神衰弱(Pt)等量表上,差异有显著性。⑤腰痛患者的WS检查与MMPI测试,其结果比较有较高的相关性。结论:①一些腰痛与社会心理因素的相关性较高,这些腰痛患者呈“疑病-抑郁-癔症”神经三联症特征;②针对腰痛患者的WS检查可以替代MMPI测试而评估心理因素对腰痛的影响;③应用WS之诊断步骤,可以较好地判别患者的预后。 Objective:To analyze the relationship of psychosocial factors and low back pain (LBP). Method: (1)Six hundred and forty LBP patients were investigated with organic physical signs,Waddell's nonorganic physical signs (WS) and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory(MMPI).(2)They were divided into 4 groups according to organic and nonorganic physical signs (Group A: with organic physical signs; Group B: with nonorganic physical signs. Group C: with organic and nonorganic physical signs. Group D: neither with organic physical signs nor nonorganic physical signs). (3)The results of MMPI scores were compared with Chinese norms. (4)The relativity of data of WS with “hypochondriasis(Hs),depression(D),hysteria(Hy)” of MMPI were studied. (5)Comparisons with age,sex,course of disease and labor insurance between group A and group B were carried out. (6)To observe the effect of prolapsed lumber intervertebral disc(PLID) in group A and group C after treatment. Result:(1)There were no statistical significance between the resuhs of MMPI scores and Chinese norms for group A. (2)The elevated scores at scales of Hs, D,Hy and psychasthenia(Pt) of MMPI for group B,C and D had significant differences from Chinese norms.(3)Data of “Hs-D-Hy” of MMPI and WS had statistical correlation.(4)There was statistical significance on age,sex,course of disease and labor insurance between group A and group B.(5)It was better for group A than group C after operation or non-operation treatment.Conclusion: (1)Psychosocial factors highly related with some LBP patients,they showed neurotic triad of “Hs-D-Hy”.(2)MMPI can be replaced by WS focusing LBP to evaluate the influence of psychosocial factors on LBP.(3)WS can be use to follow up the prognosis of LBP.
出处 《中国康复医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期133-137,共5页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
关键词 腰痛 社会心理因素 Waddell’s非器质性体征 明尼苏达多相人格问卷 low back pain psychosocial factors Waddell's nonorganic physical signs Minnesota muhiphasic per-sonality inventory
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