为了得到抗病毒的寄主植物,很多学者进行了大量研究,形成了许多行之有效的抗病毒育种策略。利用来源于病毒自身基因的一些抗病毒策略(Pathogen-derived resistance,PDR),如病毒外壳蛋白基因,复制酶基因,反义RNA、移动蛋白基因等,均可以获得一些抗病毒植物。近年来,对RNA介导的抗病毒策略机制进行了深入研究。基因沉默的发现使得人们对植物和病毒的相互关系有了一个新的认识。转录后基因沉默(Post-transcriptional gene silencing,PT-GS)现象是植物抵御病毒入侵,保持自身基因组完整性的一种防御机制。对于PTGS产生的机理,已经提出不少模型,但是都未能较全面地解释基因沉默中出现的各种实验现象。对转录后基因沉默的特点、发生机理和作为抗病毒防卫机制,在改良植物抗病性方面的应用和进展进行了综述。
In or der to obtain virus-resistant plant, many scholars have done much research on it, And many strategies of plant virus-resistance were demonstrated, Transgenic plants expressing virus-gene or sequence (PDR) have been shown to be resistant to plant viruses infections, such as coat protein gene, replicase gene, Antisense RNA and movement protein gene,ect, RNA-mediated resistance has been widely studied in recent years. Posttramcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) is considered to be one of dominant mechanisms of RNA-mediated resistance. PTGS is an antiviral defense system of plants, which has led to a new understanding of the relationship between viruses and plants. A few hypothesis models have been proposed to elucidate the mechanism of PTGS, but they could not explain all the phenomena in gene silencing, In this paper, we simply review the strategies of PDR. The progress in the features, mechanisms of PTGS are described in detail about transgenic plants, Finally, the applied of PTGS in improving the virus-resistance capacity of plants is briefly summarized.
Biotechnology Bulletin