由氘灯光源室提供连续光,用DG535脉冲发生器进行同步控制,采用瞬态光谱探测系统实时测得了槲皮素与氢氧化钠反应过程中的紫外-可见时间分辨吸收光谱.每幅光谱曝光时间为0.1 ms,每隔20ms拍摄1幅,一次连续拍摄50幅.所拍光谱图清楚地显示出槲皮素特征吸收峰254 nm和374 nm消失,槲皮素-氢氧化钠反应中间产物特征吸收峰283 nm和427 nm产生和消失,以及最终产物特征吸收峰314nm产生的过程.整个反应过程持续时间约1 s,反应中的信息是用传统的化学方法和一般的分光光度计摄谱方法所无法获得的.
A deuterium light source was used to provide the continuous light, time resolved UV-Vis absorption spectra of quercetin regcting with sodium hydroxide were measured by using an intensified CCD spectroscopic detector. The measuing system was controled synchronously by using a digital delay generator DG535. A total number of 50 spectra with the exposure time of 0.1 ms for each spectrum and the time interval of 20 ms between two neighbouring spectra have been acquired. Results show the disappearing process of the typical bands centered on 254 nm and 374nm of quercetin, the growing and disappearing processes of new bands centered on 283 nm and 427 nm of the intermediate product and the growing process of the new band centered on 314 nm of the final product obviously. The reaction finished within about 1 second, the information during the reaction cztn not be obtained by using a conventional chemical method or a common spectrophotometer.
Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics