
美国国会文化生态探析 被引量:2

An Analysis of the Cultural Ecology of American Congress
摘要 美国人对国会的支持远不如期待得那么高,其原因很大程度上可从国会文化生态与美国文化生态的相互关系中寻找。尽管美国总体的文化生态决定了国会的基本构成,但更大程度上是国会特殊文化生态显示出了强大的能动性。就制度层面而言,国会选区重新划分、国会选举及国会立法过程等都使国会文化生态处于美国文化生态的强势地位;尽管非制度层面的大众传媒和公众认知能发挥一定程度的制衡作用,但国会仍可对此加以控制。因此,国会文化生态不仅促进了近几十年来美国的“杰克逊主义”倾向或新保守主义倾向的发展,还阻碍了自由国际主义在美国的复苏。 The reason why American public support of Congress is not as high as expected can be found in the interrelationship between Congressional cultural ecology and American cultural ecology.Although American cultural ecology as a whole determines the basic structure of Congress,the specific Congressional cultural ecology demonstrates strong initiatives.On the institutional level,the re-division of Congressional district,Congressional election and legislative process all put Congressional cultural ecology in an advantageous position in American cultural ecology.In spite of the fact that on the non institutional level mass media and public identity can exert some kind of check and balance,Congress can still play a controlling role.Therefore,Congressional cultural ecology has not only promoted the development of “Jacksonianism” or neo-conservatism in recent decades,but also hinders the reinvigoration of liberal internationalism in America.
作者 张春
出处 《美国研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期120-135,共16页 The Chinese Journal of American Studies
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  • 7Seymour Martin Lipset, American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword (New York: W.W. Norton, 1996), pp. 18, 31.
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