5"Flash of creative genius". See Honorable Giles S. Rich, Laying the Ghost of the "Invention" Requirement, in Foundations of Intellectual Property (Foundation Press 2004) (Robert P. Merges, Jane C. Ginsburg), 93.
6Graham v. John Deere,383 U.S. 1.
7David F. Noble, The Corporation as Inventor, Patent-Law Reform and Patent Monopoly,in Foundations of Intellectual Property ( Foundation Press 2004) (Robert P. Merges, Jane C. Ginsburg), 41.
8Edmund W. Kitch, Graham v. John Deere Co. : New Standards for Patents, in Foundations of Intellectual Property ( Foundation Press 2004) ( Robert P. Merges, Jane C. Ginsburg, ed. ), 102.
9American Law Institute: Restatement of the Law, Torts (Second), Pamphlet 2, West Group (1965), 12 -13.
10U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) ,Manual of Patent Examining Procedure,8th ed. (2001).