介绍和分析了SAE AS4893《通用开放式结构(GOA)框架》的编制背景、主要内容和应用原则;并与目前流行的开放式结构ASAAC、ISO OSI及POSIX进行了比较;最后分析了我国制定相应标准的必要性和可行性,并提出了相关标准化工作的建议。
The preparing background, main contents and application principle of the SAE AS4893 General Open Architecture (GOA)Framework are introduced and analyzed in this paper. The comparasion between SAE AS4893 standard and the current architectures such as ASAAC,ISO OSI and POSIX is made also. The necessity and the feasibility of the preparing similar standards used in our country are discussed, and some suggestions to the corresponding standardization work are given in the end.
Avionics Technology