
高非碘盐率地区育龄妇女的碘营养监测与评价 被引量:3

Evaluation and survey of iodine nutrition status in women at high risk non-iodized areas
摘要 目的探讨非碘盐较高地区重点人群的碘营养状况,为制定县级消除碘缺乏病(IDD)评价方案提供依据。方法以县为单位同步开展碘盐监测和尿碘监测。每个县均按东、西、南、北、中随机抽取9个乡镇。每个乡镇随机抽取4个村。每个村抽取8户居民食盐样检测碘含量,抽取其中的4户采1名15~55岁妇女一次随意尿样检测尿碘水平。结果5个市区居民户非碘盐率平均15.8%、碘盐覆盖率84.2%和合格碘盐食用率79.0%,寿光、即墨2市的各项指标率分别为44.4%、55.6%、41.0%和19.4%、80.6%、80.6%。5个市区妇女尿碘平均水平(248.5±1138.0)μg/,L,尿碘中位数(MUI)157.2μg/L,其MUI均在138.5-186.0μg/L之间。仅48.7%的妇女尿碘处于适宜或可接受水平。32.8%的碘摄入不足,18.3%的碘摄入过量。尿碘水平在100~300μg/L之间的妇女人数占各市区检测总人数的比例分别为38.3%、33.3%、22.2%、36、8%和34.0%,均有相当比例的妇女尿碘〈100μg/L。以孕妇的MUI最高,哺乳妇女的最低且〈100μg/L。哺乳妇女仅34.0%的碘摄入适宜或可接受,53.2%的碘摄入不足。沿海地区、近沿海区、内陆平原、内陆山区的妇女MUI依次下降。有无碘食物摄入妇女的MUI分别为159.0μg/L和147.0μg/L,二者无显著性差异。结论县级碘盐监测可评价消除IDD目标进程并能发现非碘盐地区,县级尿碘监测可评价重点人群的碘营养状况,但应分析尿碘频数分布。居民户碘盐和育龄妇女尿碘可作为县级IDD监测的主要指标。 Objective To study iodine nutrition status of risk populations from high non -iodized areas and to provide the project towards the elimination of Iodine Deficiency Disorders(IDD) at the level of county. Methods 8 households in each village were sampled for testing edible salt iodine at 9 townships from one county. The concentration of urinary iodine (UI) in bear - age woman ( 15 to 55 years) from 4 households was tested at each village. Results The rate of non -iodized salt in 5 counties was 15.8%, of iodized salt 84.2%, of quality iodized salt 79.0%. The rates of the indicators were 44.4%, 55.6%, 41.0% and 19.d%, 80.6%, 80.6% in Shouguang and Jimo city, respectively. The mean of UI concentration was 248.5 ± 1 138.0 μg/L with median UI 157.2 μg/L. Median UI in 5 counties was all adequate within 138.5 - 186.0 μg/L. Their iodine nutrition was optimal as a whole. A total of 48.7% women's UI level was adequate or more than adequate, in 32.3% insufficient and 18. 3% excessive. The proportions of 38.3%, 33.3%, 22.2%, 36.8% and 34.0% women's UI level were between 100 - 300 μg/ L in each county. Median UI in pregnant women was the highest, but lactation women was the lowest and below 100 μg/L. Of 34.0% breast women's iodine intake was adequate or more than adequate, and high at 53.2% ones were estimated to have an insufficient iodine intake. Medians UI in the areas of inshore, closer inshore, plain and mountain were descendant in turn. Median UI in women with rich iodine food intake was 159.0 μg/L or other ones was 147.0 μg/L. Conclusions Monitoring iodized salt could availably estimate update and goal of IDD elimination and find high risk areas of non - iodized salt. Frequency distribution of UI levels should be analyzed for assessing people's iodine nutrition status. Iodized salt at households and UI in women should be selected as major indicators of monitoring IDD at the level of county.
出处 《中国地方病防治》 北大核心 2007年第2期115-118,共4页 Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases
基金 山东省卫生厅资助项目(HW094) 联合国儿童基金会资助项目(YH101)。
关键词 营养 食盐 尿 妇女 监测 Iodine Nutrition Edible Urine Women Survey
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