通过研究传统的超链分析算法PageRank及其改进算法Hilltop和TSPR的不足,提出了一种新的改进的方法Topic PageRank。这种算法是对每一个页面进行页面分类,然后根据分类的结果分别对每一个主题进行页面等级计算,因此,每一个页面对不同的主题将呈现出不同的页面等级得分,能更加准确地反映出页面的重要性。
To research the shortcomings of the PageRank technique and the improved algorithms, Hilltop and TSPR, which is the traditional algorithm based on analyzing the hyperlinks, this paper brings up a new approach, the Topic PageRank. The new algorithm classifles all of the pages, and then calculates the page ranks about the different topics. Therefore, every page will have some different page ranks about the different topics, and this page ranks can reflect the importance of the pages.
Computer Technology and Development