分析了室内空气中污染物甲醛、苯、氨、TVOC、氡的来源,讨论了这些污染物对人体健康的危害。对2005年南京市装修房室内的150个空气样本5项污染物检测结果分析统计表明,检出率为100%。其中氡浓度范围为10Bg/m3-230Bg/m3,氨0.1mg/m3-0.3mg/m3,甲醛0.01mg/m3-1.42 mg/m3,苯0.005mg/m3-0.10mg/m3,TVOC为0.005mg/m3-1.62 mg/m3,超标率较高的是甲醛和TVOC。介绍了改善室内空气质量、控制室内空气污染的方法。
The sources of the indoor pollutants, like formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, total volatile organic compound (TVOC) and niton, were analyzed in the text, and their harm to human was also discussed. Based on 150 air specimen sampled in 2005, five items of detection results shown that the range of concentration for niton reached lOBg/m^3 ~ 230 Bg/m^3 , ammonia 0. 1 mg/m^3 ~ 0. 3mg/m^3 , formaldehyde 0. 01 mg/m^3 ~ 1.42mg/m^3, benzene 0. 005mg/m^3 ~ 0. 10mg/m^3, TVOC 0. 005mg/m^3 ~ 1.62mg/m^3. The concentration range for formaldehyde and TVOC were over the standard. In conclusion, the authors stated some measures of improving indoor air quality and controlling air pollution.
Jiangsu Geology