
口腔颌面部皮肤软组织创伤的早期处理 被引量:1

Experience on the Early Management of Oral and Maxillofacial Skin and Soft Tissue Trauma
摘要 目的:探讨口腔颌面部皮肤软组织创伤早期处理的方法和经验。方法:对口腔颌面部皮肤软组织急性创伤进行严格清创,根据创面情况、部位等选择适当的处理。不伴组织缺损的普通裂伤应精细缝合或“Z”形缝合,关闭伤口;伴有组织器官缺损的创面应用组织移植等方法进行针对性的处理,并为二期修复打下基础。结果:本组共治疗400例患者,386例伤口Ⅰ期愈合,随防6个月至1年,无明显瘢痕增生,无功能障碍,不需要Ⅱ期修复,美容效果良好。结论:口腔颌面部皮肤软组织创伤早期及时、正确的处理能提高术后效果。减轻患者容貌缺陷及精神痛苦。 Objective: To explore the method and experience on the early management of oral -maxiUo -facial skin and soft tissue trauma. Methods: We strictly clean the oral -maxillo- facial skin and soft tissue trauma, then choose right operation method according to the traumatic condition. Common lacerations without tissue defects should be exactly sewed up or z - shaped closed. For traumas coupled with tissue defects, tissue transplant was applied to seal the wound and to lay the foundation for phase Ⅱ rehabilitation. Results: Among 486 treated cases, 386 cases were primary healing. After 6 - 12 months following up, there was no obvious scar formative or functional problem. Second stage reconstruction was not needed. Conclusion: The timely correct treatment of oral - maxillo - facial skin and soft tissue can improve surgery effect, ruduce facial defect and patients' mental pain.
出处 《口腔医学研究》 CAS CSCD 2007年第2期200-201,共2页 Journal of Oral Science Research
关键词 口腔颌面部皮肤 软组织创伤 修复 Oral -maxillo -facial skin Soft tissue Trauma repair
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