
存款保险融资制度设计中的公平问题 被引量:4

The Impartiality in the Deposit Insurance Funding System Design
摘要 公平的存款保险融资制度(即如何向存款保险机构融资的制度)不仅是存款保险合约的重要要求,也是存款保险制度为所有被保险存款人、投保存款机构接受的重要前提,对存款保险制度的有效运作和维护金融业的稳定十分重要。本文认为,公平的存款保险融资制度设计至少需要考虑三个方面的问题:一是由谁承担风险损失的问题,即采取私人保费融资还是由政府或其他主体提供融资的问题;二是如何实现事前融资制度中融资规模的公平与合理,这一定程度上是存款保险的公平定价问题;二三是如何实现存款保险保费跨机构和跨期公平分摊的问题。通过深入研究与充分借鉴存款保险融资制度设计方面的国际经验,有助于在充分考虑公平问题的基础上设计并建立我国的存款保险制度。 An impartial Deposit Insurance Funding System is not only the inherent request of the deposit insurance contract, but also the precondition which ensures the deposit insurance system to be accepted by all depositors and insured depository institutions. It is also of great importance to maintain the stability of financial sector, as well as to guarantee the efficiency of the deposit insurance system. To design an impartial Deposit Insurance Funding System, we find that close attention needs to be paid to at least three factors. Firstly, who should undertake the loss caused by risks for the insured, specifically, who will provide the funding, by public or private means. Secondly, how to achieve the impartiality and soundness of the ex ante funding scale? To a certain extent, this can be regarded as an issue of fair pricing of the deposit insurance. Thirdly, how to realize the impartiality in premium allocation among the insured depository institutions concerning cross institutions and periodical issues? Recently, China has been working on designing the deposit insurance system by taking other countries' experiences for reference, aiming at setting up an impartial and efficient Deposit Insurance Funding System.
出处 《金融研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第05A期15-25,共11页 Journal of Financial Research
关键词 存款保险制度 融资 公平 制度 deposit insurance system, funding, impartiality, system
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