
论群体性纠纷的解决机制——美国集团诉讼的分析和借鉴 被引量:105

On the Resolution Mechanism of Group Disputes
摘要 近年来,伴随着我国经济的高速发展和社会的转型,因证券欺诈、环境污染、产品责任等导致的大规模侵权行为以及由此引发的群体性纠纷呈不断上升之势。但由于种种原因,这些大规模侵权行为并未得到及时地制止,受害人的权益也缺乏有效的救济渠道。改变这种状况,除了通过多元化的社会综合治理等方式预防和化解群体纠纷外,结合中国国情,借鉴美国式的集团诉讼既是必要的,又是可行的。其对于促进人们接近司法,强化实体法的实施力度、迫使侵权方遵守公共政策等方面都具有重要的价值和功能。 In recent years, with the high-speed development of the economy of our country and transition of society, the extensive tort caused by securities fraud, environmental pollution, product liability, etc. and group disputes initiated from this keep rising constantly. But for various reasons, these extensive torts have not been prevented duly and there is no effective channel to protect the victim's fights and interests too. To change this kind of state, it is essential and feasible to draw lessons from the American class action on the basis of combining China' s actual conditions, besides preventing and solving group disputes through social comprehensive administration in pluralism, etc. It has important value and function for promoting people to access to justice, strengthening implementation of substantive law and forcing infringer to observe public policy, etc.
作者 章武生
机构地区 复旦大学法学院
出处 《中国法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期20-30,共11页 China Legal Science
基金 美国福特基金会研究项目<解决群体纠纷的理论与实践>[项目批准号:10551035]资助
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