
雇主吸引力维度:初次求职者与再次求职者之间的对比 被引量:17

Dimensions of employer attractiveness: new graduates vs experienced job applicants
摘要 通过初次求职者和再次求职者之间的对比,发现不同的求职群体,对应的雇主吸引力维度也呈现出不同的特点。初次求职者的的雇主吸引力依次为:环境价值、名誉价值、发展价值、经济价值和心理价值。再次求职者的雇主吸引力则包括:社会价值、名誉价值、环境价值、发展价值和心理价值。这些发现启发我们,为提高雇主吸引力,对不同的应聘者群体要提供不同的有针对性的工作和人力资源产品。 The anticipated permanent shortage of skilled workers creates unique challenges for every firm.The firms that successfully attract talent employees will survive and flourish in the ongoing competition.In this article,the authors identify the components of employer attractiveness in China's labor market by developing a scale for the measurement of employer attractiveness.There are some different dimensions of employer attractiveness between the new graduates and the experienced job seekers and also different viewpoints of employer attractiveness due to Chinese and western cultures.It is found that the new graduates make a point of company image aspect while the experienced job seekers make a point of the employer's internal characteristics;for Chinese job seekers,repute value is one dimension of employer brand while it is not included in the dimension of employer brand in the research made by Berthon,Ewing & Hah;the Chinese job seekers think greatly of work environment while the western job seekers pay more attention of personal interests development.
作者 殷志平
出处 《东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2007年第3期57-61,共5页 Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science)
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