The genotoxieity of the main gradient of oxidized hairdyes (phenylenediamine) and its oxidant (hydrogen peroxide) was studied with SOS/Umu assay. It showed that purifed phenylenediamine (PPD) did not damage DNA, H_2O_2 and oxidized PPD caused DNA damage arid had dose-response relationship (r_(H_2O_2)=0.995, p<0.010; r_(PPD+H_2O_2)=0.988, P<0.01). It indicated that oxidized PPD had direct genotoxieity and the mutagenesis of it resulted from H_2O_2 by comparison the regrssion coefficients of them. The study of 4 oxidized hairdyes also confirmed this conclusion with SOS/Umu assay. Consequently, when we study the mutation of oxidized hairdyes, we should pay more attention to the DNA-damaging of H_2O_2 itself.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information