青单1号是黑龙江省青冈县种子公司1996年以自选系H423为母本、以自选系A88为父本组配选育的玉米杂交种,2004年2月通过黑龙江省品种审定委员会审定推广。该品种春播生育期109d,需≥10℃积温2 130℃,幼苗拱土能力强,长势健壮。具有高产、抗病、抗倒伏、活秆成熟、商品品质好等特点。
Qingdan No. 1 ,a hybrid combined with H423 as the female parent and A88 as the male parent in 1996,was examined and approved in March 2004 by the Heilongjiang Province Examining and Approving for New Crop Varieties. This hybrid needs 2 130℃ ≥10℃) of accumulated temperature,and can be harvested 109 days after sowing in spring. The seedling of hybrid grows very strong in breaking the soil. Qingdan No. 1 has the characters with high yield,high resistance to disease and lodging, and good quality. Plant is still green when matures.
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences