
2002-2005年四川省皮肤病医院门诊主要性病病例分析 被引量:4

Analysis of Main STD Cases in Out-patient Department of Sichuan Provincial Dermatology Hospital During 2002-2005
摘要 目的 分析2002-04/2005-06期间四川省皮肤病医院门诊主要性病病种的发展趋势,探讨控制性传播疾病的方法和措施.方法 与1991-2000年所作调查进行比较,采用FoxPro6.0对四川省皮肤病医院提供的疫情报告卡中数据进行统计,分析其结果.结果 调查的7 821例病例,HIV(+)、梅毒、性病性淋巴肉芽肿、生殖器疱疹的门诊率分别为增长速度的前4位.淋病和尖锐湿疣比例有所下降.非淋菌性尿道(宫颈)炎与1991-2000年平均水平持平[1].性病患者以男性居多,主要以20~39岁的青壮年为主,大多来自本市(县).非婚性接触是最主要的传染来源.患者的文化程度主要以中学为主,而大专以上文化层次呈逐年上升趋势.结论 四川省皮肤病医院门诊性病病种构成发生明显变化,艾滋病和梅毒的疫情严峻,对性病艾滋病的监测和防治工作任重而道远. Objective To investigate and compare the main sexually transmitted disease cases from 1999- 2000 and from April, 2002 to June, 2005 in out-patient department of Sichuan Provincial Dermatology Hospital, and to analyze its developing trend so as to explore the control method and measure. Methods FoxPro6.0 was used to analyze the data from the epidemic situation rates of HIV( + card of the hospital. Results Among the 7 821 investigated cases, the out-patient department ) , syphilis, lymphogranuloma venereum, genital herpes were separately top-four in out-patient department rate rising speed. The proportions of gonorrhea and condyloma acuminatum went down. Nongonococcal urethritis(nongonococcal cervicitis)kept the average level in 1999-2000. The majority of the sufferers were male, 20-39 years old and mostly coming from local city(county). The main infectious source of these diseases was coition without marrying. The sufferers cultural degree mainly regarded high school as principle, but the above cultural layer of university presented up-trend year by year. Conclusion The composisition of STD categories in Sichuan Provincial Dermatology Hospital has changed obviously. The epidemic situation of AIDS and syphilis is rigorous in Sichuan Province. The work of monitoring, preventing and curing STD and AIDS will be long and hard.
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2007年第1期19-21,共3页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
关键词 门诊 性病 梅毒 Out-patient service Sexually transmitted disease(STD) Syphilis
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