Two from each kind of Np =f(((fw)/(1-fw))), Np =f(fw),Np =f(lg((fw)/(1-fw))), Np =f(lg(1/(1-fw))) water displacement curves published up to now and presented by us were described. Therelationships of Np-fw, fw-R* , and(dfw)/(dR*)-R* as well as decline curves Qt-t and Np-t relationships were studied. Also, their derivation processes and change features were studied. The important conclusions are as follows: ① fw--R* curve which is kind of Np =f( ((fw)/(1-fw))) of the waterdisplacement curve is a protruded curve; (dfw)/(dR*)-R*curve is a monotone decreasing curve; corresponding decline curve has Arps' decline index n = 2.0. ② fw-R * curve which is kind of Np = f(fw)is a straight curve;(dfw)/(dR*)=0.98, constant;corresponding decline curve has Arps' decline index n. = a A0, i.e. an exponential decline. ③ fw-R*curves which are kinds of NP =f(lg((fw)/(1-fw))) of the waterdisplacement curves are 'S' -shaped curves; (dfw)/(dR*)-R*curves are bell-shaped curves; correspondingdecline curves don' t accord with Arps decline, but when water cut changed from small to large, decline indices of the standard curves corresponded with the calculated curves changed from small tolarge. ④fw-R*curves which are kinds of Np =f(lg(1/(1-fw))) of the water displacement curves areprotruded curves;(dfw)/(dR*)-R*curves are,monotone decreasing curves; the water displacement curve of type of lg Lp = a + bNp corresponds to the decline curve which is Arps' decline index n - 1, i.e.harmonic decline curve; the water displacement curve of type of lg (Lp)/N = a + bNp corresponds to thedecline curve which is Arps' decline index n = 1.2.
Xinjiang Petroleum Geology
Water drive Displacement curve Classification Water cut Raise velocity of water Decline Curve